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On Being A Writer…

When I first accepted this gig as a contributing writer on WildOneForever.com, I did what any normal person would do when they are excited about starting a new adventure with likeminded people: I posted about it on social media.

My friends and family liked, commented, and showed their support, and everything was going great! Then it happened. 

What in God’s name was I going to write about?

At first there was a lot of twirling around in my head and daydreaming of all the things I would write and adventures I would go on in order to tell a good story, but then I got to thinking… 

What DOES WildOneForever mean to ME?!

I knew once I figured that part out it would set the stage for everything else and my writing would take off, AND I would have the most important component down before beginning my adventure: the introduction. 

But I also knew that I wanted to pave the path for something bigger than myself; to create a subculture of characters and stories anyone could be part of; and then to surrender my life to it. 

In today’s world, where the city grounds are run by conglomerate money making machines and the fear of losing a customer is like losing a penny on a subway, I choose to turn towards that which is invaluable. Like a lost and forgotten thrift store item searching for a place to call home.

To live your life as an artist, in motion of creating what is alive in essence and spiritual in practice, is to humble yourself to all of life’s tragedies and glories. In this I see freedom. 

Whether I am taking action towards a lifelong dream of authoring my own book, or using the internet as a channel for promoting my spiritual practices, or using the power of movement to journey down the road less traveled and hark upon unchartered territories of life and self, I take comfort in the fact that a dynamic performance of symbolic experience is unfurling before me, and propelling me forward into whatever direction the Goddesses have in store. For me, this is what it means to be a WildOneFOREVER. To take life by the sails and get lost in its windstorm. 

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